wise connect with future employees

A place to connect with future employees 

In today’s competitive job market, your employer brand determines whether you land the best candidates or not. An online newsroom is where you can introduce your company to potential employees by showcasing things like your latest CSR reports, awards, pictures of your product, team, and offices, and, of course, your latest news.

Brand awareness

Expand your brand’s reach

Motivated employees are more valuable than a handful of paid spokespeople. When employees are aligned with an employer brand, they become brand ambassadors and are most likely to share your story with their network. This not only expands your brand’s reach but also boosts your overall reputation. 


Keep future employees in the know

Your online newsroom allows top talents to stay updated on your company’s latest happenings by subscribing to your newsletter. They choose what they want to know about and how often they want to hear from you. You keep these new leads in the loop. Win-win! 

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We’ve been rated best online newsroom solution by G2, and proud of it!



Frequently asked questions

  • What is employer branding?

    Employer branding conveys a company's identity and uniqueness, serving a dual purpose: attracting new talent by making it appealing to belong and, more importantly, retaining existing employees through effective communication strategies that enhance job satisfaction.

  • How can a newsroom help me with employer branding?

    An online newsroom can help teams as a platform for powerful storytelling. Your audience will find your company’s latest news, values, CSR efforts, awards, and high-resolution images of your team, your offices, your products, and more. 

  • What are some examples of employer branding?

    Here are some examples of how pr.co customers use their online newsroom for employer branding: 

    TSH: The Social Hub is a hybrid hospitality concept in Europe designed to welcome students, tourists, and businesspeople. Their online newsroom features a ‘Leadership’ page designed to introduce future employees to their C-level suite executives. 

    Lynk & Co: Another great example of making the most of your newsroom to attract talent is Lynk & Co. This innovative shared mobility solution lures future employees in by showcasing their offices in their media kits. Trust me, you’ll want to work there too if you see these offices. 

    Ticketswap: The Amsterdam-based ticket resale app added an FAQ section in their online newsroom highlighting fun facts about the company. This not only helps the media write about the company, but it also gives future employees an overview of what Ticketswap does. 

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