Product updates

We’re constantly improving our product for our customers. See our latest features, improvements and fixes.

Interface screenshot of menu with power-ups

Get the most out of with Power-ups

Power-ups helps you discover and enable new features and integrations in-app.

With Power-ups, you'll be able to explore new functionalities, giving you an overview of everything we offer to take your PR to the next level.  Whether it's a new feature or an integration with a third-party app, you'll be able to easily discover and try out our updates. 

To access Power-ups, simply navigate to the side menu bar and click on the new Power-ups icon. From there, you'll be able to browse through the all available power-ups. Click on the power-ups to find out more, request a call, or simply configure or enable it.  

An grid overview of power-ups

Our product team is constantly working to improve the application. Power-ups will keep you up to date with our latest, and greatest improvements. Grow with us and get more bang for your buck when we release new tools and integrations.

β†’ Discover power-ups in

Power to you!

Other bug fixes & improvements

  • Fixed a bug that incorrectly showed that a private release will be sent to subscribers when published
  • Fixed a bug that showed the wrong author for duplicated campaigns
  • Fixed a bug where the publish date wouldn't get set for delegated news
  • Fixed a bug where YouTube video links incorrectly showed an error validation
  • Fixed a bug where users couldn't click the modal buttons as they were outside of the viewport on smaller screens
  • Fixed a bug where the Out of office bar was stuck behind the toolbar in the CRM
  • Fixed a bug where icons were incorrectly shown in children items in the toolbar
  • Fixed a bug related to verified leads for multi-country newsrooms
  • Fixed a bug that broke up long tag names
Director of Product