Product updates

We’re constantly improving our product for our customers. See our latest features, improvements and fixes. (2)

The new newsroom menu

We have redesigned the menu bar in our newsrooms, to turn your newsroom visitors into subscribers and leads.

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We revamped our app login page. The login form is now front and center of the page and its form styles are aligned with the app. A well-deserved facelift.

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Screenshot of the subscribe interface modal

This week’s release is all about helping your subscribers stay up-to-date with your news — the way they prefer.

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A product screenshot of qualified lead that ends up in a CRM

Use your newsroom to generate new relevant connections, qualify relevant journalists and organically grow a high-quality press list.

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Choose which emails you want to receive and which you don't. Keep your inbox tidy.

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A media kit card that is password protected

Make media kits only to be available and downloadable to people with the password and keep it inaccessible to others.

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A screenshot of the sidebar update, and a grid of six country flags

With this update, we made several cosmetic changes to the app, now fully offer our newsrooms in six languages, and made improvements to spokespeople, and fixed several bugs.

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A card with subscriber details

From today onwards, we will send you an email whenever someone subscribes to your newsroom. This way you know exactly who's following your every move.

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We want you to benefit from our articles and guides, the moment they are out. That's why we're delivering them straight to you—directly in the sidebar.

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Product updates integrated in the app

We launch new features, improve existing ones, fix bugs, and often silently ship under-the-hood improvements. To help you use in the best way possible, we want to fill you in on all of these updates.

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We shipped an update to Subscribers which now gives your more insights and control over your newsroom subscribers.

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